December 10, 2024This is to inform you that following the special general meeting (SGM) held on October 21, 2024, at Elimu Evangelical Church Hall, the following resolutions were passed:
- Registration of Hardware SACCO: Members approved the registration of Hardware SACCO with SASRA.
- Cost-Sharing for ICDC T-Shirts: Members agreed to a cost-sharing arrangement for the purchase of ICDC T-shirts, with members covering 50% and the hardware SACCO covering the remaining 50%.
- Staff Education Expenses: The budget for staff education expenses will be maintained at 200,000/- as indicated.
- Transport Allowance Increase: The transport allowance for members attending SGM and AGM has been increased from 1,000/- to 1,500/-.
- Umbrella Budget: The umbrella budget was not approved and has been removed from the budget.
- Vetting Committee Members: Mbata Omondi Noah and Denis Wanjala Olwasi were elected to the vetting committee.
- Opening Additional Bank Accounts: Members approved the opening of accounts with other banks to facilitate easier collection of members’ funds.